Everything DiSC- 363 For Leaders-Profile
Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders combines the best of 360° feedback with the simplicity and power of DiSC® , plus three strategies for improving leadership effectiveness. The result is a 360 experience that’s more productive and satisfying
Using CommentSmart our exclusive selectable comments feature, raters choose from pre-written, highly-tested comments, giving feedback that’s focused, balanced and constructive. Clear visuals and a conversational narrative style make the profile easier to use and understand. Plus, leaders get their next steps with the three things they can focus on now for improving leadership effectiveness.
In addition, with every profile you’ll have the option of generating the Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders Coaching Supplement at no additional charge. Visit www.363forLeaders.com for additional support materials.
Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders is meant for anyone who wants to use 360° feedback as part of their leadership development, whether they’re an emerging high-potential leader or an experienced executive.